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Friday, August 26, 2011

Back....with McKelvie

After a long delay, I really wasn't sure how to start this blog again.  For a time almost 100 people a day were coming to visit...Though the travelling, the photography, the design work, and the pursuit of a PhD hasn't stopped, the blog disappeared.  Being busy isn't an excuse but better later than never.  The best way I think, is to work backwards...

AND that begins with the amazing wedding of John and Tracey McKelvie...

I met John 3 years ago when he donned the zebra stripes and joined our Men's league hockey referee association. We got along right off the hop never taking the insults hurled our way too seriously and always laughing in the locker room rather than fishing for the comfort of missed emails and text messages.  With Johnny there is always time for a beer after the game.

We did the family shoot first and as you can see from the shoot this family has come together wonderfully.  It was here that I first met Tracey and, though John would probably cringe at me publicly announcing this, it's clear by his smile he couldN'T be happier.  Tracey and I often joked about how good it was her to take on another child in John but all kidding aside it's also obvious he also knows just the right buttons to push to make her smile.

here is the Engagement, turned family, shoot video:

The Wedding was done right - The kids played a central role acting as bridesmaid's and groomsmen; the speeches short but meaningful; the food was simple but delicious; the dancing was genuine; and the love between John and Tracey clear...  With Carla Jean Stokes and Nick Lachance, I think we were really able to capture their special day!

Thanks for letting me share your day...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Matt. You couldn't have made Tracey, the kids and me happier. You guys were great, and the pictures were awesome! Thanks again. John and Tracey.