I mentioned a while ago that alot of my time recently has been spent on the graphic design end of things. Since coming to Laurier in 2005, I have worked with the Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament Studies. Under the leadership of Terry Copp, the Centre is a always alive with guest lectures, a library of Military history offerings, a place for policy and DND representatives to recruit, and our ever expanding publication wing. This year I have taken on the role of publications manager at the Centre and we will have pushed out 8 books by the end of April. Part of that role involves designing the covers. The next book out is Arctic Sovereignty edited by Whitney Lackenbauer and Peter Kirkket. The book might be my favourite cover design yet. The book is hitting the market at a time when the arctic and who owns what parts is being questioned. the melting away of the ice coupled with an estimate that 1/4 of the worlds natural gases and fossil fuels may be found in this region is certainly important news and sure to be at the forefront of the Canadian agenda moving forward. Though I've been through the process a number of times and seen the proofs, I still love the moment you crack that first box and see the printed copy.
Until next time and I hope that is a lot sooner than last time...
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